LLVM based Compiler Frontend for Custom Language
A simple compiler frontend that targets LLVM. Custom language is C like with a very minimalistic syntax for simplicty.
This is a screenshot of an example real-time software rasterizer wrriten in the language. The code that generated the following output can be found here
Here is the GitHub Repository for the compiler
Kernel + Basic Operating System
This is a very simple forever WIP kernel and operating system implemented in C and x86_64 ASM. Only written for long mode capable machines. Handles multi-processor startup, has a WIP ehci drive and ext2 filesystem, basic ELF loading and execution
Practice Tracking Tool
This is a tool to track programming research and practice topics. It will have a scheduling feature that reschedules already completed topics for review based on several metrics.
Game Engine and tools
This is a forever WIP Game Engine and set of acompaning tools. Has a OpenGL renderer with a deferred rendering pipeline with SSAO. Asset managment system with asynchronous loading and hot-loading of modified assets. Basic GKJ collision system. Proceduraly generated infinate terrain.
LLDB Based Debugging Frontend and custom linux debugger library
A basic attempt at creating a debugging frontend for LLDB. Also has a simple custom debugging library for linux systems called libdb.
C Site Generator
This project is used to generate a different incarnation of this blog and portfolio using a simple data driven interface for C to generate the HTML and javascript. Supported emiiting common HTML tags, a internal markdown parser html converter, very simple internal C/C++ parser for syntax highlighting.
Basic Logic Gate Simulator
A very simple tool for creating basic logic gate diagrams